دانلود هک تشکر از پست ها برای ویبولتین 4.2.0 و 4.2.3-فیکس شده


پرسنل مدیریت

Note - The mod author has been unreachable for some time, but the vbulletin.org community has stepped up to provide a number of individual fixes over the years. ForceHSS and Hippy have both combined many of these fixes into product files.

ALL CREDIT STILL GOES TO ABE1 And this is still 'his' mod. Please still mark the mod as installed if you use any version of it.

That said so you don't need to apply a dozen + small fixes yourself you should consider downloading one of the updated packages below:

Hippy has one:


ForceHSS has one

See Attachments...

If Abe1 returns he can request these packages be removed.

About this hack:
One of the biggest problems on forums as you may know is 'posts boosting'. There are users who LOVE to say 'thanks' when ever they can. How can it hurt? Their post count goes up, they have nothing to loose.

There are also users who really like to express their thanks to post but don't like posting a post that looks like they're post boosting.

Then comes the moderators who have to delete people's thanks yous so a thread can look readable with out the thanks yous thrown around.

Finally comes the posters of these useful posts. They have no idea how many people really likes their posts if only some people say 'thanks'.

What this hack does is fix ALL these problems - except those users who like post boosting. This places a button called 'thanks.' When a user clicks on it, it places his username in a box right under the post saying that so-and-so says 'thanks' for the post. Every-one who clicks is placed in one box.

By giving your users the extra feature, you forum will look allot nice and organized. It is a guaranteed liking by ALL the members of your forum.

Uses vBulletin easy Product installer/updater/uninstaller
Uses AJAX technology so your users don't have to refresh when they thank.
Places an easy to use button next to the edit button
Separate looks for postbit and postbit_legacy
Places all Thanks into one small box
Uses only ONE query every time you view a showthread page!
Users can't thank twice
Option to not allow users to thank their own post
Guests don't see 'thanks' button
Counts how many thanks a user gives
Counts how many thanks a post gets
Shows how many thanks a user gave in every post of his
Shows how many thanks a user gave in profile
Shows how many thanks a user got
Shows how many posts or a user are thanked
Shows info in profile
Search for a users thanked posts
Search for all thanked posts
Administrator can remove all Thanks from a single post
Users can remove their own Thanks
Turn on and off hack totally
Turn on and off hack for only some forums
Option to turn off hack for all but the first post of a thread
Option to turn off hack for all but the first post of a thread in specific forums
Option to turn off hack view of date for specific or all forums
Option to add to post count when someone clicks 'thanks'.
Option to give a user who receives thanks reputation points.
Ban Usergroups
Ban Users
Uses Phrases
Cache Templates
Guaranteed to be liked by ALL users on your forum!

Installation information on hack:
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 0
Files to upload: 8
Time to install: 1 minute max


درباره ما

  • انجمن یه‌حس‌خوب در اردیبهشت سال 1392 با هدف ایجاد یک شبکه اجتماعی شامل موضوعات سرگرمی، علمی، دانشگاهی، فناوری و ... شروع بکار کرد و بیش از یک دهه آنلاین است. این مجموعه کاربرمحور بوده و اعضای آن در طول این سال‌ها تجارب خود را برای شما بازدیدکنندگان عزیز به اشتراک گذاشتند. این مجموعه دارای نظارت 24 ساعته بوده تا محیطی سالم را برای کاربران خود فراهم آورد، از کاربران انتظار می رود که با رعایت قوانین ما را برای رسیدن به این هدف یاری نمایند.

منوی کاربر